Terra Thesis Institute is passionate about art and entertainment. Our state-of-the-art entertainment consulting supplies a coherent, structured view of story and thematic elements, positive reconstruction of beloved tropes, responsible social philosophies, fascinating concepts, and good-natured, playful humor that is not offensive.
Terra Thesis Institute hopes to open a contemporary philosophy-driven cultural/arts salon in or near a major city within the next five to ten years. There we can have members gather and service visitors who are interested in our consulting services, as well as provide a venue for like-minded artists to connect with our membership and ideas.
By the way, our current Instagram project features fine art juxtaposed against quotes from our philosophy project Weirdo Camp, and provides original high quality and concise accessibility text (for the sight impaired) for each piece selected.
Please donate to Terra Thesis Institute so that we can impact culture and society in the right ways.
Public Policy/Culture Jamming/Consulting/Arts/Music/More…
Filed under: Projects - @ June 30, 2022 21:08